Five Actions to improve Ecommerce Customers' Digital Experience

by Ereeqa Toheed 10min read
Improve your customer’s digital experience and boost sales! Here’s how?

If you own or manage an ecommerce business, customer satisfaction and exceptional user experience should be your priority.

Like any other commerce, ecommerce businesses need outstanding customer reach and experience to stay competitive and thriving. Online businesses, especially ecommerce companies, ought to offer 100% customer satisfaction and optimal user experience to succeed in the digital world/marketplace.

It also improves business outreach and increases your customer base. Customer satisfaction and user experience are the major factors in outreach, but since the customer may not be with you in person, it makes it all the more difficult to please your client.

On the contrary, brick-and-mortar shops benefit from direct communication with their customers to provide a personalized shopping experience and unmatched customer service. Look at it this way; when you enter a store to purchase something as insignificant as a pair of socks, a friendly sales representative will help you throughout the process.

S/he will help you select the perfect team based on your requirements, choices, and budget while answering all your queries to ensure risk-free shopping. Then, the staff will take your purchase back to the counter to package and bill it. If the experience were worth your trip, you would like to return next time. 

Giving such a wholesome experience is much more difficult through online channels. But for every business, online or offline, customer experience becomes your brand message. If it is not deliverable in a comprehendible manner, you lose your customers and your dreams of a successful store business.  

A customer's perception of your business, whether it's in-store or a store online, is the driving factor that affects customer behavior. The first impression is everything--- according. 

International Journal of Information Management Volume 59, August 2021, if an online business fails to attract its potential customers within the first 10 seconds, it is less likely to develop any liking for it afterward. Design and aesthetic appeal are the first steps to hooking your customers’ attention. Thanks to ecommerce website builders like Webx, you can find catchy web themes particular for your business type.  

The Five Action Strategy:

  1. Make your ecommerce Website User-Friendly:

A well-structured ecommerce website is for all types of customers: those who know what they want to purchase, those you are just browsing, and those who need help filtering through your products. Customers like easy-to-access pages that can easily navigate and find the product they need.

You should organize your ecommerce website into categories. The better you categorize your segments on the website and make it convenient for the user to access, the better the customer experience you offer and the happier your customer will be. 

Theretofore, users only used desktop computers with standard screen sizes, and web developers created webpages to accommodate the desktop screen. As the technology evolved, desktop computers turned into laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. Hence, introducing website responsiveness is crucial for your business and customer experience.

If you are watching this website on a desktop, the structure might differ from that on mobile. However, the details will almost be the same. This is because Webx is responsive in its design. 

The web content or layout is adaptable to fit within the different screen sizes where they are displayed. The more smallish you make the browser screen you are on, the more the site will acclimate to the adjusted screen size. Customers are also attracted to unique web page designs and layouts, so adding the right color to your website and creating themes is an excellent way to attract your customers. 

You can introduce search functions to improve customer experience and make your website user-friendly. Furnishing a search function that searches your web pages is a configuration strategy that allows customers to locate content on your ecommerce website.

Users can find products/services by searching for specific words or phrases without having to apprehend or steer through the structure of the Web site. This can be a quicker or easier way to find what they are looking for, especially on websites with a large number of products

  1. Focus On Your Content:

There is a saying: “Content is King,” and there is a reason to believe so. Good content not only works as a source of information but as an SEO opportunity that can help you rank better or improve your SERPs. But that’s not all! Well-written content is legible and offers detailed information about your product, services, company, and business. It helps you create a brand store to which your potential clients can relate.

Moreover, your content is not restricted to your website; you can use it on blogging channels, social media sites, forums, and support pages to develop a consistent brand voice. It will also improve consumer outreach and answer common questions your potential buyers may have about your business or products. 

  1. Up your Social Media Game:

Social media is a platform to reach a wider audience without spending much money on marketing. Instagram is a popular platform for ecommerce businesses among all social media channels. Building your social media company pages and groups will help you get your customer base. It is also a place that improves consumer engagement as you can receive customer reviews, buyer recommendations, star-based ratings, and much more. 

To improve engagement rate, you can even invest in social media ads. Video ads perform better than photo ads. The former helps you practically show your product usage, performance, and customer satisfaction. 

  1. Have a Seamless Checkout Process:

Customers are not interested in purchasing from an ecommerce website where they are asked to fill-out irrelevant forms and go through lengthy checkout procedures. Due to no easy checkout methods, the cart abandonment rate is high.

Your customer is more likely to abandon the cart if they are not given the guest checkout option and have to go through the sign-up process. Giving your customer the option of purchasing from your business without signing up will help you generate more sales. 

You lose a large number of sales when customers abandon their carts. Creating an easy checkout process also includes providing shipping calculators and different modes of payment. To avoid losing customers at the checkout, make the procedure as swift and comfortable as possible, showing transparent and brief shipping information and providing a guest checkout choice.

Always display many checkout options to keep every customer engaged and happy. If you find you have a high cart abandonment rate, which you can find out with a few tools available, you can take feedback from customers to understand the situation better.

It is noted that almost 70% of the buyers abandon shopping carts even after adding products. Hidden charges and limited buying options are common causes of lost sales.

But arduous checkout experience can also contribute to cart abandonment and decreased sales. When the customers have to fill out multiple forms or navigate through various pages to make a purchase, they are more like to halt the process at any given step.

Easy checkout is within your control, which can also increase sales. Simplifying the process converts your leads into paying, recurring buyers. Customers that find it easy to shop from your online store are more likely to return and may recommend your company to others. 

You can offer a seamless shopping process on your ecommerce store by providing multiple payment options. You can add bank payments, considerable credit or debit cards, and other mobile payment options. It helps your customers pay on your website using their preferred method. 

As we know, customers hate lengthy and multi-step checkout processes, so you should try to create one-page checkout. Customers can fill in the relevant information, such as payment options, shipping address, and order details to process the shopping. Besides, your website, especially the checkout, should be mobile compatible as many customers shop online through their smartphones and tablets. 

You can further simplify it by offering a guest checkout process in which customers don’t need to create or log in to their account to complete the purchase. Add a quick and clear CTA such as “Buy Now” to direct the customers to make the purchase. It also improves trust and ensures a hassle-free experience. 

  1. Promote Transparency to Develop Trust:

With large-scale data breaches and cybercrimes happening over the internet, customers get skeptical about sharing their sensitive information. Developing trust with your customer is essential; if they trust your ecommerce business, they will remain loyal customers. Therefore, you should ensure safe and secure data sharing options.

Two-step/way authentication, password login system, and data verification are a few ways to do so. When you make your services more transparent, the customer knows what to expect and trusts you more. No matter what you are selling or services, it is always better to provide your customers with data security and a safe shopping experience. Through this practice, customers will trust your ecommerce business more. 

What is Ecommerce Customer Experience?

In the ecommerce business sector/industry, customer experience is how a brand tends to engage its buyers across the web. Customer experience also includes the UI and UX of its online store, product quality, shipping and return policies, customer service, and engagement. It also helps build consumer perception, impacting buyers’ behavior and loyalty toward your brand. If they like you, they’ll continue to buy from you and even recommend you to friends and family, and if not, let's just say no one wants to buy from a business that treats them less like royalty. 

Beauty and comfort naturally draw humans, and this is what your customer experience should be based upon. But like any other marketing effort, customers experience needs to have strategic plans and implementations for it to succeed. 

Keep in mind that every journey step from the homepage to the checkout must be smooth and easy to use. If customers find your website navigation difficult, they will abandon it within seconds.

Why is Customer Experience so Important for ecommerce?

Most ecommerce businesses consider product quality and pricing their main concerns,  but that's not it; a good customer experience is much more than that. If you don't engage your customer, you don't make a sale. 

Simply put, when you impress the customer with a good customer experience, they’ll buy from your ecommerce store; this shows loyalty and consideration toward your customer's liking. When you do approach better strategies to make your e-stores customer experience more delightful, you will see improvements in the following sectors: 

  • Customer Retention

  • Customer Loyalty 

  • Customer Lifetime Value 

  • Brand Equity 

  • Referrals 

  • Revenue and Growth

Why is the customer experience a buzzword in ecommerce? 

The question is: Why is customer experience so crucial in ecommerce? According to research from PWC, an ecommerce business with a good customer experience attracts about 86% of consumers willing to pay more for excellent client services. 


A growing ecommerce business must offer an excellent customer experience to navigate the cutthroat competition. That is why we discuss a five-action plan to stay ahead in the digital world. 

With the right strategies and continuous upgrades, you can improve the ecommerce customer experience. But you may have to spend hours researching and analyzing to stay updated with the latest trends and modern techniques. Luckily, this article highlights it all---as we talk about the core components of a successful customer experience strategy.


How can you improve the customer's online experience?

There are several ways you can improve online customer experience; some of them are as follows:

  • Make the experience personal.

  • Work on upselling and cross-sell.

  • Reduced the abandonment cart rates.

  • Improve your best social media marketing strategies. 

  • Optimize mobile shopping. 

What are the methods for improving customer experience?

You can use different methods for improving customer experience, such as:

  • Creating a clearer customer experience vision. 

  • Get a better understanding of your target audience. 

  • Connect on more profound, emotional levels with clients. 

  • Work on feedback and reviews.

How would you improve customer experience in a store?

You can improve customer experience in your ecommerce store by altering a few things in your strategies:

  • Offer a unique customer experience. 

  • Improve website speed.

  • Make ecommerce websites comfortable to use. 

  • Organize events, games, and polls on your company's social media handles.

  • Offer discount codes, coupons, and special offers to loyal customers. 

How do you satisfy online customers? 

Satisfying your online customer may seem like a difficult job when you can’t interact with them face to face. But there are some tricks you can use to understand your customer better:

  • Understand your customer's needs.

  • Respond to feedback and reviews. 

  • Keep up-to-date with market trends.

  • Keep an eye on competitors. 

  • Keep your customers engaged.

  • Make the user experience your priority. 

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